Monday, March 7, 2011

Update 3/7/11

We are long overdue for sending out an update to you all… we hope you are doing well!
We stayed in Chicago over Christmas break and Lisa’s family came to visit for several days. I also took a week-long intensive course on Ruth and Esther in early January and then had a week off before classes started back up.
My second semester is halfway over and going smoothly so far. I am thoroughly enjoying my classes again and finding more and more that this is what I want to do, and feel called to do, with my life. Lisa and I have had many good conversations about the future, wondering what it might look like. We are excited about that and look forward to how God may lead us. Her support to me is amazing and life-giving. I thank God for such an incredible wife.
Samuel and Judah keep growing up into little boys who are wildly fun. Judah is completely mobile on all fours now and is starting to play with big brother quite a bit. His laugh is quite hilarious and contagious. Both boys love to wrestle Dad and snuggle Mom, though sometimes the roles do switch so that I get snuggles and Lisa gets attacked.
I was recently struck with a renewed sense of wonder while reading Romans 5:6-10. Basically, it says that at “just the right time,” when we were still powerless sinners, Christ died for the ungodly. Why is our condition of powerlessness considered to be “just the right time?” The passage goes on to explain that while we were still sinners—at our very worst—Christ died for us. And this is the demonstration, the absolute best picture, of the love of God. I have been meditating on this passage for days now, and my perceptions of God’s love are still way too small. I cannot get my mind around this. How could anyone do this? And if he was willing to do this for his enemies, the passage explains, how much more can we have confidence in God now, after being reconciled to him? Enemies with no hope suddenly become permanently adopted family. What else can they do, but celebrate?
We want to continually express our thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support. We have been so blessed to have the kind of encouragement that we have been given. We ask that you continue to pray for us, as we always need it and desire to be covered with God’s protection and provision.

Much love to all of you,
Mark, Lisa, Samuel, & Judah

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