Friday, March 16, 2012

Weekly Photos

First off, LOVING the weather! A bit bummed with the lack of snow this winter, but can't complain about beautiful days like this. The boys have enjoyed being able to go outside again, and I love having the windows open and letting the semi-fresh air in...even if it's incredibly loud outside with traffic, ambulances, and jets flying to O'hare every 5 minutes. I try to focus on the few birds chirping instead. :)

This week was Spring Break for Mark, but he hasn't been around much at all. He had a couple required classes this week, and had to wash windows a couple days as well. Plus, he preached at a Covenant church here on Wednesday night. I've been busy packing up our apartment, which I secretly think is actually pretty fun. I guess that's my dorky, super-organized side of me coming out. I enjoy everything having its place.

I took Judah to Walmart this morning to pick out a toy with his birthday money. On the way home, we listened to "Happy Day" by Steve Fee probably 10 times. I love that song, and I love that our church here sings it every Easter. I can't wait.

Samuel is finally feeling better, after probably being the sickest he's ever been. Bad ear infection, high fever, and nasal congestion = yuck. He was soooo quiet and mellow, he barely said a word. AND he asked to go to bed every night, along with nap requests too. He was definitely feeling rough.... so glad he's better.

Well, not much photos to show from the past week, so here's some random photos and a video that show off our ridiculously cute kids. :)

One of my favorite photos of Samuel EVER.

A while back, Mark and Samuel stayed the night in Tyler and Erin's old apartment. They watched a movie, had root beer floats, and set up the ultimate battle with army guys, dinosaurs, rubber bands, and a marshmallow shooter.

Cutie. He has on his Batman cape too, but you can't really see it in the picture. He loves his cape. He wears it almost everyday, all day.

This video is a little old, but Sam's doing such a good job with drums. It's fun to hear how much he's improved from the other drumming video(s) on the blog when he was much younger. :) Mark still really hasn't really started giving Samuel lessons yet. It'll be neat to see how Sam improves once he starts counting beats, etc. Oh, and the keyboard Judah is "playing" on is the one that belonged to Grandma and Grandpa Habluetzel. It's a hit with the boys (and all their little friends). :)

That's it for this week!

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